Wigan Borough Pensioners

Men's Bowling League



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1.      The league will be known as the WIGAN BOROUGH PENSIONERS MEN’S BOWLING LEAGUE. Criteria are members must be male and a minimum 55 years of age (AGM2022). Each team to consist of 8 players and games to be 21up. Wheelchair (as approved by the League at AGM 2015) bowlers with the correct criteria are permitted to bowl on all league greens. (AGM2016).

      (a) Where a CLUB in the league has more than 1 team, players from the team in a LOWER Division may play for a team in a HIGHER Division up to a MAXIMUM of FOUR times. If more than FOUR games were played, by an individual, that player would automatically become a member of the Higher Division Team Squad. (AGM2022).


2.      The aims of the league are to encourage friendship and goodwill among members, who enjoy and play the sport of Crown Green Bowls in a sporting manner.


3.      All members must be fully paid-up members of the county association to be eligible to play in the league and be conversant with, and abide by the county and the rules at all times.


4.      Each member-team is entitled to two delegates, both of whom are entitled to every vote and each team must be represented by at least one at the AGM. Any Team not represented at the AGM will be fined £10. Any Team not represented at any delegate meeting without having tendered an apology or absence, will be fined £2 for each missed meeting.


5.      The officers of the league shall be elected at the annual general meeting and serve for a period of 1 (one) year. If there are no other nominations for each of the officers positions the serving officers will be considered to be re-elected unopposed.

a) The executive committee shall consist of four officers and one committee person; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary and Safeguarding Officer or combination of these. The executive committee will have the power to co-opt additional members to the committee as and when required.

6.      Any dispute which may arise MUST BE NOTIFIED TO THE LEAGUE SECRETARY WITHIN 24 HOURS of the incident followed by a letter describing the dispute within 4 days of the matters arising. The Secretary will then call an executive meeting as soon as possible to try and resolve the matter. This includes the breaking of rules and any misdemeanours.

7.      Games cannot be cancelled for any other reason than the green being unfit. This is normally through inclement weather. Where a game is called off, the fixture secretary must be notified as soon as possible with the rearranged match date. Should a game be cancelled because of the weather, it must be arranged to take place within a suitable period.

8.      Each team will play every other team in their division, both home and away. (This to be extended if league fixtures insufficient AGM 2022). In any season the team member registration should be in the hands of the Results and Fixture Secretary. Registrations are accepted all season but conforming to rule 16.

9.      League fees paid £30 per season (AGM2024). If a new team enters the league they should pay £30.00 fees (AGM2022) with every team having the right to sign on as many players eligible to play as they wish, but such a player can only play for the team he plays for first.

10.  League games: Home team receive 2 Pts Win & 1 Pt Draw: Away team receive 3 Pts Win & 2 Pts Draw. Each Player receives l Pt for a win. Handicaps for each season will be decided on by the executive committee. (AGM 2013). Only the season Division ‘A’ champions to be handicapped minus 8 on the aggregate score for every home game. If won in consecutive seasons, or still in receipt of a handicap, 8 points to be added up to a maximum of minus 40. (AGM2023)

11.  Any team found guilty of not fulfilling their league games during any season will be fined £20.  (AGM2024)

12.  ALL GAMES MUST TAKE PLACE ON THE DAY CHOSEN at 1.00pm (AGM2017) (except Ashton Rec, where all home games start at 12.45pm.  (AGM2024) with the away team having 15 minutes practice with the green free of home players. Should a game be cancelled because of the weather, it must be arranged to take place within a suitable period. Should a team to be aware they are not going to have a full team for any game, it is allowed to bring such a fixture forward to within two weeks of the date set for it to be played. In order to take part in a match, (AGM2014) a Minimum of 4 players to be present for the 1st draw for 1.00pm start (or above), ALL players must be present before the 2nd draw.

13.  Standard blocks MUST BE USED IN ALL LEAGUE GAMES.

14.  In the knockout competition (This competition cancelled AGM2016).

15.  The home captain is responsible for getting the results card to the Results Secretary AS SOON AS THE RESULT IS KNOWN. AWAY team must check the match card before signing.


17.  Where a Team Captain is aware that a full team will not be available for a future game, providing the case is a genuine one, he is allowed to promote such a game to earlier in the fixtures, subject to agreement with the opposing team.

18.  This league and its fixtures, take priority over any other league, and any team not fulfilling their fixtures, in such a situation will be subject to disciplinary action.


19. The 2 divisions will be assessed at the AGM and teams promoted/relegated to even out the divisions. Final decision by the Fixture Secretary. Always 2 teams promoted but 1 to 3 teams relegated to even out the divisions. (AGM2023).

20.  All trophies will remain the property of the league. Monetary prizes go to the top 3 teams in each division plus the 2 individual divisional merit winners. (AGM2023)

21.  Notices of motion must be in writing and with the league secretary 14 days prior to the AGM. Existing rules can only be Changed/Amended at the AGM.

22.  A statement of accounts will be issued at the end of each season.

23.  Any team or individual, due to prize-money, and is not present at the prize presentation, will forfeit such money.

24.  Each new season winners of Division ‘A’ are invited to take part in the County Veterans Team Championships, also, will be similarly invited to take part in the Champion of Champions County tournament.

KO CUP HANDICAPS are no longer required as the competition was cancelled. (AGM2016).


25.  The date for the year of accounting shall be 1st November to 31st October of each year.

26.  The annual presentation of prizes to be regulated at £100 in total, and not based on the number of entries.


27.  In the event that the WIGAN BOROUGH PENSIONERS BOWLING LEAGUE has to stop administrating the game of Crown Green Bowls in the Wigan Borough for persons qualified to play in it. Any monies held by the League will be (after all dues and demands are paid) handed over to the Wigan and Leigh Hospice.

28.  All rule changes to take effect from the close of that Annual General Meeting. All changes to the laws of the game as issued by BCGBA will take effect from the 1st March in that year.


Thanks to Steve Blaymire for the "All But!" Crown Green Bowling League Data System. which is used to publish the results seen on this site.

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